Virtual Reality

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MIXED REALITY ART LOUNGE - Night of the Museums Düsseldorf
Join us for a night of artistic exploration and discovery at the Night of the Museums in Düsseldorf. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in creativity, technology, and culture like never before.
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persona fractalis II
Die immersive Medieninstallation personal fractalis II (pf.2) lädt die Besucher:innen dazu ein, sich in eine immersive generierte Welt aus Fraktalen ziehen zu lassen – die Benutzer:in exploriert frei in dieser utopischen Umgebung oder begibt sich auf den Weg einer durch Autor:in und künstlicher Intelligenz kuratierten Entdeckungsreise.
Unmasking Communication Partners: A Low-Cost AI Solution for Digitally Removing Head-Mounted Displays in VR-Based Telepresence
Face-to-face conversation in Virtual Reality (VR) is a challenge when participants wear head-mounted displays (HMD). A significant portion of a participant’s face is hidden and facial expressions are difficult to perceive. Past research has shown that high-fidelity face reconstruction with personal avatars in VR is possible under laboratory conditions with high-cost hardware. In this paper, we propose one of the first low-cost systems for this task which uses only open source, free software and affordable hardware.
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Moving Digits – Augmented Dance for Engaged Audience
After 2 years of workshops, residencies, performances, exhibitions and talks, the EU project Moving Digits came to an end, leaving behind numerous valuable traces of interdisciplinary collaboration between dancers, choreographers, technicians and designers. The project aimed at their empowerment with further tools for expression, archival and analysis, and in terms of audience, at enhancing its understanding and engagement in contemporary dance performances and allowing to experience dance in an augmented way.
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Towards Face-to-Face Telepresence Applications in Virtual Reality with Generative Neural Nets
Philipp Ladwig held a talk at the 17th GI VR/AR workshop about our research in the area of telepresence in virtual reality applications. The associated paper written by Philipp Ladwig and Alexander Pech under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Christian Geiger received the "Best Paper" award.
Auf dem Weg zu Face-to-Face-Telepräsenzanwendungen in VR mit generativen neuronalen Netzen
Three-dimensional capture of faces with personal expressions for facial reconstruction under a head-mounted display.
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Personalized Avatars Generated by a Neural Network for Telepresence and Mixed Reality
Skype, Facetime and similar apps have become an integral part of our everyday life. However, the digital meeting does not compare to the real, physical one. Both spatial perception and non-verbal communication are limited by the current digital channels.
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Our goal is to create realistic 3D images of objects or rooms. For this purpose, we use the laser scanner Faro Focus S70, which can capture anything visible in a sphere with a radius of up to 70 meters. Whenever we scan a room, we also move along the walls and take overlapping photographs. Overall, depending on the size of the room or object, we collect between 600 and 1500 pictures to ensure that we obtain enough material in a single scanning process.
Remote Guidance for Machine Maintenance Supported by Physical LEDs and Virtual Reality
Machines that are used in industry often require dedicated technicians to fix them in case of defects. This involves travel expenses and certain amount of time, both of which may be significantly reduced by installing small extensions on a machine as we describe in this paper. The goal is that an authorized local worker, guided by a remote expert, can fix the problem on the real machine himself.
The Effects on Presence of Personalized and Generic Avatar Faces
With today’s technology it has become possible to generate and control personalized as well as authentic avatar faces in 3D for social Virtual Reality (VR) applications, as Lombardi et al. [LSSS18] have recently shown. Creating a personalized avatar with facial expressions is expensive in terms of time, computational power and hardware.
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In 4Rooms, two people wear VR glasses and play a video game in which they need to observe and use their environment to solve various puzzles.
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Facetracking VR
When people talk to each other, they do not only use the various facets of language and voice to convey information, but also their facial expressions. The latter are an essential part of our social interaction, and communication in virtual reality (VR) has been lacking this factor entirely as of yet. That is why we explore the possibilities of face tracking technology in this project.
Classification of Beyond-Natural Interaction Techniques in Spatial Human-Computer Interaction (Poster)
In the context of spatial user interfaces for virtual or augmented reality, many interaction techniques and metaphors are referred to as being (super-)natural, magical or hyper-real. However, many of these terms have not been defined properly, such that classification and distinction between those interfaces is often not possible. We propose a new classification system which can be used to identify those interaction techniques and relate them to reality-based and abstract interaction techniques.
Examining effects of altered gravity direction in Room-Scale VR
In this paper, we present the development and results of an experiment in which virtual environments (VE) with altered gravity direction are traversed by real walking. We found similarities to redirected walking and pursued the goal to identify thresholds for the extent in which shifted gravity can be applied in room-scale walking scenarios in VEs. From the results of our experiment, we give a first estimation for possible thresholds for this sort of application.
Walking on Sunshine – Dynamische Wetterparameter in Outdoor VR
Die Nutzererfahrung einer VR-Applikation, die eine Outdoor Virtual Environment (OVE) enthält, hängt von Kriterien wie der Präsenz während der Interaktion ab. Interagiert man mit einer OVE in einem geschlossenen Raum, können Wetterparameter nur simuliert werden. Die Immersion des Systems wird jedoch erhöht, wenn der Nutzer die Anwendung im Freien erlebt, und die natürlichen Gegebenheiten der realen Umgebung in die virtuelle Nutzererfahrung übertragen werden.

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