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persona fractalis II
Die immersive Medieninstallation personal fractalis II (pf.2) lädt die Besucher:innen dazu ein, sich in eine immersive generierte Welt aus Fraktalen ziehen zu lassen – die Benutzer:in exploriert frei in dieser utopischen Umgebung oder begibt sich auf den Weg einer durch Autor:in und künstlicher Intelligenz kuratierten Entdeckungsreise.
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Award for the WDR Climate App
Good news from the classroom! The WDR climate app recently won silver at the Deutscher Digital Award. This award not only confirms the thematic relevance of the app, but also the innovative implementation using augmented reality technology, which impressed the jury.
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12Fitfy Mb/s
In the interactive participatory dance performance 1250 Mb/s produced by fabien prioville dance company and technically developed by MIREVI, the audience enters into a physical game with the dancers, making the process of data collection tangible.
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How should the museum of the future look like? One thing is clear: museums and cultural institutions are undergoing changes and digitality is playing one of the key roles in the process!
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Innovation Suitcase
Since the number of research projects we have worked on in the past and are currently working on is ever-growing, we want to develop a versatile and high-quality presentation tool based on new technologies. The Innovation Suitcase will be especially useful due to its mobility that enables us to present our projects everywhere, for instance at exhibitions. Another key feature will be the various kinds of media available to do the several projects justice.
Remote Guidance for Machine Maintenance Supported by Physical LEDs and Virtual Reality
Machines that are used in industry often require dedicated technicians to fix them in case of defects. This involves travel expenses and certain amount of time, both of which may be significantly reduced by installing small extensions on a machine as we describe in this paper. The goal is that an authorized local worker, guided by a remote expert, can fix the problem on the real machine himself.
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In 4Rooms, two people wear VR glasses and play a video game in which they need to observe and use their environment to solve various puzzles.
Classification of Beyond-Natural Interaction Techniques in Spatial Human-Computer Interaction (Poster)
In the context of spatial user interfaces for virtual or augmented reality, many interaction techniques and metaphors are referred to as being (super-)natural, magical or hyper-real. However, many of these terms have not been defined properly, such that classification and distinction between those interfaces is often not possible. We propose a new classification system which can be used to identify those interaction techniques and relate them to reality-based and abstract interaction techniques.
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Collaborative Mesh Modeling
We created an application with the Virtual Reality glasses HTC Vive and the Augmented Reality glasses Microsoft HoloLens in order to investigate the possibilties of collaboration in Mixed Reality with the focus on creating virtual objects.
Venga!: Climbing in Mixed Reality
Scary climbing situations can appear when climbing on big walls. Some stones may be slippery due to humidity or smoothness and distances between belaying bolts can be large whereby a deep fall is risked. In such situations, the stress level increases, climbing performance decreases and an ascent might even be aborted. Furthermore, hazardous accidents can happen when the concentration is disturbed by stress and fear.
The performance and security in outdoor climbing sports can dependon anxieties. These appear in frightening situations where, e.g. adeep fall is risked. Deep falls can lead to serious injuries or even tofatal accidents. Such situations can be trained in order to be mentallyresistant to them and thereby to make climbing safer.
A Literature Review on Collaboration in Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality is defined as a combination of Reality, Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality and Virtual Reality. This innovative technology can aid with the transition between these stages. The enhancement of reality with synthetic images allows us to perform tasks more easily, such as the collaboration between people who are at different locations. Collaborative manufacturing, assembly tasks or education can be conducted remotely, even if the collaborators do not physically meet.
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The performance and security in outdoor climbing sports can depend on anxieties. These appear in frightening situations where, e.g. a deep fall is risked. Deep falls can lead to serious injuries or even to fatal accidents. Such situations can be trained in order to be mentally resistant to them and to make climbing safer.

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