We are MIREVI (Mixed Reality and Visualization), and we are part of the media department at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf (HSD). Whether it is health and well-being, art, business or engineering – our diverse and creative team researches, develops and offers support for various fields to improve and innovate them with pioneering ideas.

To achieve this, we focus on mixed-reality applications because we are convinced that these novel technologies, in all their facets, offer countless possibilities for the various parts of life. Every day, we work hard to create innovative human-technology interfaces that are new, useful and sustainable.

The Members


We are interested in any digital media topic if it significantly helps the user, creates something really innovative, is great fun to work on or provides us with a little budget (strictly in that order!). As a team of digital media experts, computer scientists, designers and artists we believe in the power of joint creativity and intrinsic motivation because we love working together on R&D projects, commercial topics or artistic digital expressions in our special environment at the innovation hub. Our research and development activities include

Digital Creative Health

We work on R&D projects that exploit digital media technology to support socio-technical systems that provide a healthy living. Projects include innovative solutions for people with cognitive impairments, rehabilitation or communication between patients, medical experts and family members like insideDEM, Therapy Assist and NutzerWelten.

Mixed Reality User Experience

We want to create empathic user interfaces using immersive technologies and combine digital content with physical computing technologies. Tangible and embodied user experience is another area of interest and we study helpful body-near technologies and collaborative activities in working environments like in iKPT40 or immersive journalism like in the Digital News Initiative project, DNI. A focus is multimodal interaction adressing all senses and the application of physical proxies for a better user experience in virtual reality.

Creative Engineering

Today, digital technology is available at low cost. With this presence and a significant increase of data and information, we also have less understanding what to do with these possibilities and how to do it. Creative Engineering looks at new ways to adapt and combine existing technologies as soon as they are available as prototypes, pre-orders or functional mock-ups. We are also interested in new ways of working together and how to create innovative solutions for user’s problems with respect to technical limitations and non-technical constraints. See WICKIE and UP2.

Cognitive Computing in Digital Media

With the increasing hype on AI-based technologies and requests from many cooperation partners and students we decided to go back to our roots on smart user interfaces and knowledge-based system design. Cognitive Computing in digital media has many potential and we look at ways to create empathic user interfaces and smart tools to create innovative media expressions. We focus on smart techniques for motion-based interfaces, DeepX-techniques and other biological inspired approaches. With a focus on information visualization we also consider Data Science techniques in general when appropriate.

Art, Culture & Technology

Through digital and creative partnerships with numerous cultural intuitions and individual artists on the national and international level, we are actively involved in the newest digital developments in the wide field art and culture. We focus both on development of tools that support interpretation and transfer of an existing cultural content, as well as on creation and mediation of new artwork in collaboration with artists. We are interested in the exploration of the potential that mixed reality technologies offer for artistic and cultural productions and vice versa – using artistic and interdisciplinary research to open new perspectives on technology.

Research & Development

Since 2024
Smart Energy Hub
As part of the Smart Energy Hub Düsseldorf/Mettmann (SEH-DUS) project, an attractive working environment will be created and established and offered in the long term at a prominent location in Düsseldorf outside the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (HSD). The SEH-DUS serves as an experimental field, showroom, co-workspace and educational and event space. Software tools are being developed for widespread use in the SEH-DUS, including events and training courses to accompany development, which are geared towards the current needs of regional stakeholders (especially SMEs).
Since 2024
IMAI – Researching Intermedia Collections with Artificial Intelligence
IMAI aims to enhance audiovisual archives by providing smart analysis tools and making the handling of time-based media collections more efficient and convenient for archivists as well as art and media historians.
Since 2023
The project Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI) and audience interaction, on-site and online.
Since 2022
VISION.5G - Cooperative participation with 5G
VISION.5G will provide complex digital 3D building models for the construction industry on a mobile basis using Mixed Reality (MR) technologies. Thus, 5G research and development is the focus of the project. VISION.5G visualises planning in direct alignment with reality via MR methods and real-time rendering.
Since 2021
Game Technology Network
Establishment of a network of academic and industrial partners, to promote research and development in games technology in NRW.
Completed 2022
‘Smart, intelligent items’ are everyday objects that have become more reactive and interactive by means of sensor and actuator technology. Machine learning techniques allow these items to be intelligent and therefore more context-specific. Additionally, the connection to external services also expands the possibilities for digitally enhancing everyday objects.
Since 2018
High quality designed interaction strategies for service and assistance robotics.
Completed 2022
A project funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Regional Developement Fund (EFRE) which has an aim to use data to tell multimedia stories that can be experienced emphatically by means of immersive VR/AR technologies and interactive robotics.
Since 2018
BMBF support measure for human-technology interaction as part of the funding priority “Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces – innovative technologies for a healthy life”
Since 2018
Research has shown that recent technologies such as virtual reality, smart wearables and empathic computing can be used to monitor and reduce stress, a phenomenon that can affect all parts of our lives. In this project, these tools and methods are combined to develop an effective and individually applicable solution for facilitating stress management.
Since 2018
In an interdisciplinary consortium combining expertise in human-computer interaction, tracking in medical context, game design and software development as well as wearables, we work together with domain experts and clinical partners to create innovative therapy methods using immersive VR technology. Following a user-centered design approach, we will conduct multiple studies and focus-group interviews with each iteration of generated prototypes.
Since 2018
Moving Digits
Augmented Dance for Engaged Audience aims to enhance audience understanding and engagement in contemporary dance performances and to allow the experience of dance in an augmented way (even after the performance). Another goal is the empowerment of dancers, choreographers and technicians with further tools for expression, archiving and analysis.
Since 2018
MARTA – Mixed Reality Art in Public Spaces
A project funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Regional Developement Fund (EFRE) which has an aim to bring Mixed Reality Arts into public space by providing the artists with the necessary tools and production environment.
Since 2017
Developing new ways of interaction with complex data of the “Industrial Internet of Things” in order to shorten production times and be able to flexibly react to problems and changes in the production chain as well as to dynamically create different variants of a product (custom-made manufacturing).
Completed 2019
Immersive News Lounge
A joint R&D project by Wirtschaftswoche/Handelsblatt, HS Düsseldorf, and LAVAlabs and is partly funded by Google DNI (Digital News Initiative). This program aims at partnerships between Google and European publishing companies with the goal to innovate journalism. The purpose of the INL project is the creation of VR experiences as part of a special service called WiWo Immersive News Lounge (INL). We want to bring journalism into Virtual Reality to enhance the user experience when “consuming” news and information in general.
Completed 2019
Urban Previs Prototyping is an interdisciplinary research project focused on mixed reality prototyping methods that aid and enhance the design and development of interactive digital content in the public space.
Completed 2019
Therapy Assist
A ZIM-BMWI founded project which aims to develop an interactive assistance system that enables people who have been implanted with an artificial knee joint to support their rehabilitation at home.
Completed 2017
An Euopean Union-founded project that addresses the process of creating innovative media projects in public spaces. The project aims at constructing a structured mixed-reality framework that enables stakeholders to take part in a creative goal-driven process for developing new products.