– Networking in teaching and training
– Networking with the games industry, networking with the culture industry
– Development of games technology demonstrators
– Establishment of a collaborative innovation cluster – Games Technology Center
Hochschule Düsseldorf has joined forces with three research-strong universities to sustainably increase the competitiveness of the games location NRW.
The GTN creates the conditions for greatly accelerating the transfer from basic research to business and society. It represents a holistic value chain that ranges from the bundling of expert knowledge to the transfer into concrete applications (e.g. demonstrators / applications)
Networking in teaching and education.
Research is closely linked to educational mechanisms in order to transfer knowledge into educational programs and create an expanded base of specialized personnel. Specific lecture activities are targeted. In addition, the project provides the basis for extensive outreach in research at the international level to establish the region as a key player.
Networking with the games industry
The Games Technology Network focuses on the use of synergies and the expansion of research and development capacities for game development.
In workshops, the GTN connects research with the game development industry in the NRW region, driving innovative core technologies for game development that enable new or improved game experiences.
Networking with the cultural industry
We want to integrate games from different perspectives into museum practice and thereby initiate an exchange between science, game studios and cultural institutions.
Games Technology Demonstrator Development
The GTN includes exploratory research that feeds into the technology demonstrators that apply games technologies in (novel) application areas. It forms the basis for innovative systems and applications for stakeholders in our region, such as cultural institutions (museums), healthcare organizations and SMEs.
Ethical and social aspects of gaming technologies are also considered. The exploration of the technologies is based on the expertise of the partners involved and will be refined as a result of joint workshops.