In our daily use of different body tracking systems, we experienced that a switch from one system to another during app development (in Unity or Unreal) inevitably involves several problems. For example, the plug-in of the game engine needs to be changed, the used skeleton must be adjusted in the engine (because almost all tracking systems have different animation skeleton implemented) and software dependencies such as SDKs and drivers need to be installed.
The software suite MireviMotionHub (MMH) offers support for several body tracking systems and encompasses a game engine plug-in that connects the MMH with Unity by means of a standardized protocol. The plug-in allows for the usage of a single type of skeleton for any body tracking system and, therefore, facilitates the switch between different tracking systems during app development significantly.
Beyond that, MMH is capable of merging different tracking systems into one in order to combine and use their individual benefits.
The code and app will be released in Summer 2020. Stay tuned!
This project is sponsored by: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the project number 16SV8182 and 13FH022IX6. Project names: HIVE-Lab and Interactive body-near production technology 4.0 (German: Interaktive körpernahe Produktionstechnik 4.0 (iKPT4.0)).

Philipp Ladwig & Laurin Gerhardt