Our system uses an RGB-D camera and HTC/Valve Lighthouse Tracking to create not only point clouds of people or rooms but also 3D objects in the form of meshes. This information can be sent via the internet and allows other people to virtually enter a room from a distance or to join a conversation as a scanned avatar.

We are currently working on capturing and transmitting color details at a high level to enable people to have authentic telepresence conversations.


This project is sponsored by: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the project number 16SV8182 and 13FH022IX6. Project names: HIVE-Lab and Interactive body-near production technology 4.0 (German: Interaktive körpernahe Produktionstechnik 4.0 (iKPT4.0)).


Damian Zohlen & Philipp Ladwig